We haven't heard much from D12 since Shady Records dropped Shady XV last year, but fear not - the Devil's Night mixtape drops today, and in our latest interview, Bizarre, Swifty McVay and Kuniva assure us and their fans their latest project "is just a reintroduction of what's to come."
McVay calls Devil's Night "a homage mixtape," as it is for the fans who've supported them since they dropped their debut album by the same name in 2001. Though many are anxious to hear the guys together again, Kuniva made it clear that "Em[inem] didn't make this project at all." "We could've waited for him to go ahead and do it, but we wanted to really just let people know that we are also emcees too and we can handle ourselves," he explained. "We know how to do this s*** and we need to reinvent ourselves - everybody knows who Em is..."
Watch above as they talk about what we can expect on Devil's Night, and click here to give it a listen once it drops.