Katt Williams was recently arrested for disorderly conduct after fighting a 17-year-old. From there, he was held in a Gainesville, Georgia jail without any bail until it was time to see a judge. Katt Williams’ March 31 court date arrived, and the judge took the time to say how Williams’ activity has gained much attention, and taken on a life of its own. She also spoke on how she was tired of seeing him in court, and mentioned that “this was not a popular decision to have you released on bond.” Despite that remark, Katt Williams was granted a $500 bond on Thursday, March 31, 2016.

According to the LA Times, Katt Williams was already out on a conditional bond when he fought with the 17-year-old. His lawyer stated that his latest arrest should not negatively affect his other pending cases. 

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Source: latimes.com