RZA followed up on a statement he shared over social media on Thursday, through an interview published by TMZ on Friday [October 21] in which he once again rejected claims that Russell Crowe assaulted and spewed the N-word at Azealia Banks last weekend. And before long, Banks would return to her Facebook page in order to address RZA's account and challenge how realistic it could be given the set of facts she has introduced in relation to the Beverly Hills Hotel incident.
"RZA has clearly been given no legal advice and went to straight to TMZ out of his feelings to try and gaslight me. Whatever pieces are left of his brain after years and years of smoking dust stupidly allowed him to ramble himself into incriminating his friend, and completely debunking their entire made up theory," she wrote. "You mean to tell me, that a 300lb man needed to use ALL OF THAT FORCE, to remove an "erratic" guest from a party ?"
In a series of posts to follow, the Harlem rapper would shed a host of other alleged details in hopes of countering accusations of her having spazzed out and disrespected guests at Crowe's party before being tossed. According to Banks, she arrived at the function at around 9:45pm, five hours prior to the confrontation breaking out. In her own defense, she has continued to ask the public to consider whether her supposed behavior seems typical of someone who has spent that extent of time mixing among people. In one post she does appear to admit that she ragged on Crowe, calling him "old and fat," but says that she was only doing it out of vengeance over an insulting remark she alleges that he made about one of her music videos.
When she wasn't reaffirming the validity of her story, Banks was placing her aim on the man who invited her to the shindig. She first dispelled the notion that any prospect of a record deal with the legendary Wu-Tang Clan producer is dead, writing: "Do you guys all know that this "friend" Rza speaks of insisted we cut rza out of the deal and continue on with my record deal? You guys clearly don't get what's happening here. My record deal is still on the table.... RZA is just getting cut out of it for being a cornball." Then in a separate post, Banks chastised RZA for taking their relationship for granted, she claims, in the interest of remaining in Hollywood's good graces. "One would think that having invested money ( 7 million dollars) and effort into making a movie with me, ones own investment would be most important," wrote Banks. "But sometime, the OG's are that starved for this played out illusion of being a part of the illuminati (or whatever the fuck) that they will Shit where they eat. Just to make sure they get to keep getting invited on boat parties and dumb shit."
Source: facebook.com