Since Facebook unveiled their "Live" feature that allows platform users to broadcast events in a fashion similar to Instagram live, the feature has continuously made negative headlines. From a man in Chicago being shot while broadcasting live, to a teenager being kidnapped, tortured, and forced to drink from a toilet. Along with that, there generally is no filter for what content gets upload. Now, the social media platform has broken their silence on the matter, after a 74-year-old man named Robert Godwin Sr. was killed via a Facebook live broadcast according to police. The killer of Godwin, a man identified as Steve Stephens was responsible for the broadcast, and even uploaded two more videos with him saying that he has plans on trying to "kill as many people as I can" before having his account shuttered by Facebook.

In a statement, Facebook first noted that the shooting was uploaded by Stephens after the fact, not broadcast live. From there, they said, "This is a horrific crime and we do not allow this kind of content on Facebook. We work hard to keep a safe environment on Facebook, and are in touch with law enforcement in emergencies when there are direct threats to physical safety.”
