Recently, news broke of a 74-year-old Cleveland resident named Robert Godwin Sr. being shot on Facebook Live. In the video, a man now identified as Steve Stephens pulled his car over, confronted the older man, then shot him in broad daylight. Now, the FBI has made the decision to widen the search for Steve Stephens. During a press conference, Special Agent Stephen Anthony an update on the search for Stephens. Anthony said, "At this point, he could be a lot of places. He could be nearby, he could be far away, and anywhere in between."

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams spoke on the matter, saying, "We're still asking Steve to turn himself in, but if he doesn't, we'll find him." According to reports, Stephens' cell phone was allegedly pinged in Erie, Pennsylvania, which is leading detectives to suspect that the shooter is heading there. Cleveland Police Chief Williams addressed his whereabouts, saying his last known location was the site where Godwin was murdered, and that "anything else right now is kind of speculation."
