One of the suicide notes authorities allegedly retrieved when they found Aaron Hernandez hanged in his jail cell last month got out to the press on Friday, May 5. Hernandez is reported to have left three letters behind, with two addressed to family and one reserved for his lawyer, Jose Baez. The letter that is now being shared by media sources, is one that was made out to his fiancee Shayanna Jenkins.

"Shay, You have always been my soul-mate and I want you to live life and know I’m always with you,” the letter begins, before leading right into Hernandez informing Jenkins that he has actually communicated his plans to take his life, albeit not directly. Throughout he reminds Jenkins of the love he has for her, and tells her that the outcome the world would learn was in the cards for him on April 19, was in god's plans. Before signing off by dedicating [or re-dedicating] Savage Garden's "I Knew I Loved You," Hernandez asked that Jenkins give his love to his daughter, and look after two individuals whose names have been kept anonymous.

Hernandez's letters have been a thing of controversy, as much of the scene of his death has proven to be. In the weeks following the alleged suicide there have been stories circulating that Hernandez's camp have debunked. It was reported that one of the letters had been left for a male lover that Hernandez was rumored to have been seeing since high school. Jose Diaz would later come out and state that the story was a total lie, and the result of unethical journalism.
