Previously, a 19-year-old white woman from Denison, Texas named Breana Harmon ran into a church half-naked claimed that she was raped and kidnapped by three masked black men. At the time of her arrival into the church, she only had on underwear, a t-shirt, and bra, all of which were bloody. She was taken to a hospital and examined, where it was determined that her injuries were not consistent with a rape of any kind. Investigators were able to get the real story out of her, which was that she inflicted the injuries on herself.
Since then, the 19-year-old has been charged with two 3rd-degree felony counts of tampering with physical evidence. Along with that, Harmon was hit with a 3rd-degree felony count of tampering with a government record, and a state-jail felony count of tampering with a government record. Initially, Harmon was only charged with a misdemeanor, which would have consisted of a $4,000 fine and up to 180 days in jail. A press release from the Denison Police noted that the lies created by Harmon were “especially offensive to the African-American community due to her description of the so-called suspects in her hoax.”