The family of 2014 NYPD choking death victim, Eric Garner, has been awarded $4 million of a $5.9 million wrongful death settlement, with attorneys fees having yet been determined.

A breakdown of how the settlement will be distributed has been established so that the money is cut seven ways, with Garner's widow Esaw Snipes, and his youngest daughter, Legacy Jayleen receiving its bulk. After Snipes, who gets $1.4 million, and Legacy Jayleen, who will be given $1.3 million, his youngest son Emery is set to receive $482,000 and his oldest son, Eric, will get $204,000. Garner's daughters Erica and Emerald Snipes are each getting $163,600. The head of Garner's estate, his mother Gwen Carr, will be receiving $82,000 from the city.

The city settlement comes to the Garner family after a February agreement they reached with Richmond University Medical Center, for $1 million. It will be paid out over the next 90 days according to reports.
