Jay-Z sat down with Tidal's Rap Radar podcast and spoke on a few topics including 4:44, Kanye West, Solange, and Nike. Part one of the interview was released today and some major things stood out from the interview.
Obviously, Jay's comments about Kanye were very interesting:
“You got hurt, because this guy was talking about you on a stage,” Jay said. “But what really hurt me, you can’t bring my kid or my wife into it... We’ve gotten past bigger issues, but you brought my family into it, now it’s a problem with me.”
Jay also cleared up the rumors that he was dissing Kanye on "Kill Jay-Z":
“It’s not even about a Kanye diss. It’s not a diss, I’m talking to myself the whole time.” He states: “I’m not talking about Kanye when I say, “You dropped out of school, you lost your principles,’ I'm talking about me!”
And of course Solange and the elevator situation was touched upon:
“We’ve always had a great relationship... We’ve had one disagreement. Before and after, we’ve been cool.” He continues, “That’s my sister. Not my sister-in-law, no, my sister. Period.”
But what was also very interesting was Jay's thoughts on Lavar Ball and Nike:
"With all due respect, f*ck Nike, man. And I don't mean personally. F*ck the thing." He goes on to say, "We are culture. Nothing moves without us."
“Lavar Ball...He said, I'mma start my own company...Everybody's like you should sign to Nike...Now, he may go about things wrong, he may have a big mouth...but I bought three pair...Why did I buy three pairs? [...] That man has a vision of his own [...] Why wouldn't I support him? He feels like he can move culture.”
You can check out Jay's comments on Nike above and the rest of the interview on Tidal. Looking forward to what part two entails.