Well, that escalated quickly. Mexican soap star, Eduardo Yanez, was not happy on the red carpet last night and pretty much took out his anger on the journalist asking the questions.
Univision personality Paco Fuentes asked Yanez about his son, who recently opened up a GoFundMe page. Yanez replied in Spanish, “If you’re so worried about my son, you send him the money or go talk to him.”
Fuentes proceeds to try to keep the conversation going by saying that people were curious and he was just the messenger. Yanez was not happy with this response and became combative and started going off that Fuentes was digging for a headline that wasn't there. Just as Fuentes was defending himself, Yanez slapped him across the face. Of course, being on a red carpet, many caught the situation on camera, and the video went viral.
According to CBS2 Los Angeles, entertainment reporter, Lupita Herrera was also on the red carpet when the situation took place:
“I was in shock,” she told CBS2, “I didn’t know what to do.”
Herrera told CBS2 she spoke to Yanez before Fuentes and she asked the same question about his son, and he did get angry but was in shock that he ended up slapping Fuentes.
“In my opinion,” she said, “Fuentes was just doing his job. And Eduardo needs anger management.”
Welp. Maybe Fuentes will apologize?