A second woman came forward with accusations of sexual assault against former U.S. President George H.W. Bush on Wednesday (Oct. 25)
One day after "Turn: Washington's Spies" actress Heather Lind posted a message to her Instagram page which she detailed an encounter with the ex-Commander-In-Chief alleging that he groped her backside, Broadway actress Jordana Grolnick shared an account of a similar predicament she found herself in two years later.
According to Grolnick, she met Bush Sr. in 2016, after he attended a production of Hunchback of Notre Dame that she was a part of in Maine. While taking photos with the cast, the Grolnick found herself standing by his side, when she suddenly felt his hand on her rear end.
A spokesperson who has been busy responding to Lind's allegations addressed Grolnick's claim by issuing a statement in which he poses that the President's hand does tend to weigh low when he extends it, because of the weakness of the muscles in his arm.
The rep has also defended the claim that Bush made an inappropriate joke while gripping Grolnick's rear, which he hasn't denied. "As we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is?’” Grolnick told DeadSpin while recounting the incident. “As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-Feel!’”
"To try to put people at ease, the President routinely tells the same joke,” Bush's spokesperson says in the statement.
Source: nydailynews.com