By all measures, Tyrese Gibson has not been having a good week. The actor and singer had a police report filed against him by his ex-wife Norma Gibson earlier this week after she accused him of violating a temporary restraining order protecting her and their 10-year-old daughter Shayla when he allegedly hired a plane to fly a banner over his daughter's school. Norma also claimed in the report that Tyrese had various gifts delivered to Shayla's school.
The temporary restraining order was reportedly initially filed by Norma after she reported Tyrese for spanking their child.
Further, during the former couple's court battle on Thursday, Norma made the claim that Tyrese had hired a private investigator to follow her and her friends.
The stress seems to have caught up to the 38-year-old entertainer--TMZ reports that he checked himself into an LA hospital Thursday night complaining of chest pains.
Sources who know Tyrese told the site that he began having the chest pains shortly after leaving the courthouse and returning to his hotel room. He reportedly also felt dehydrated, so he decided to head to the emergency room.
The same sources report that Tyrese was administered fluids for the dehydration and is undergoing tests to determine the cause of his chest pains.