Recently, rapper Meek Mill was sentenced to prison for a reported probation violation. Since then, news arrived saying that Meek and his team are pushing for a bail hearing. Following that, Jay-Z wrote an op-ed for the New York Times, calling out the criminal justice system for treating Meek Mill and hundreds of thousands of black people unjustly every day.

Now, Colin Kaepernick has taken to Twitter to deliver a message after a recent visit to Meek Mill. Kaepernick said “Spoke to Meek Mill & he wanted ppl to know regardless of his unjust situation, he’s in good spirits & humbled by the support the people have shown him. We’ll continue to fight against the harsh sentencing practices that have affected Meek & millions of other POC for generations.”

Since being locked up, Meek Mill has been moved from solitary confinement to general population after making a request. Take a look at the tweet above.
