It was announced on Thursday that legendary comedic actor Jim Nabors has died at the age of 87. Jim gained fame in the 1960s with his portrayal of Gomer Pyle on the Andy Griffith Show. The character was so popular that Nabors starred in five seasons of "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C," which showcased Gomer moving from Mayberry to become a Marine recruit.
Nabors' husband, Stan Cadwallader, revealed that Nabors' health had declined over the past year, and he underwent a series of tests on Wednesday, but the decision was made to bring him home. Cadwallader says it seems Nabors died of natural causes, although a coroner hasn't released his official cause of death.
Nabors and Cadwallader were married in Washington in 2013, soon after gay marriage was made legal. The actor had never spoken publically about his sexuality, but after his marriage he told Hawaii News Now, "It's pretty obvious that we had no rights as a couple, yet when you've been together 38 years, I think something's got to happen there, you've got to solidify something. And at my age, it's probably the best thing to do."
Source: CBS