Rumors have been floating around for a while now, debating whether or not Chrissy Lampkin is really pregnant or not. Her co-star Kimbella has come forward and confirmed that she does have a little one brewing inside of her. Meanwhile, Yandy has yet to comment on her pregnancy rumors.
Now, back to Chrissy. It's known knowledge that she and Jim Jones are open to having children together, and she has recently released a twitpic to answer all of the baby questions.
The caption for the twitpic reads:
"By the way that's my sonogram......Now you know!!!!!!!"
Check out the pic and see the answer for yourselves.
**Spoiler Alert: For those of you who may not be able to understand what the twitpic means, here is an explanation. The picture is of two empty martini glasses, which she just finished drinking, probably with the help of Jimmy. After some fans expressed their confusion, she posted up another pic of her with two full martinis that she will be drinking shortly. So, therefore, if she is drinking, she is not pregnant.
Maybe in the near future she'll post up pictures of her drinking a glass of water, then there will be a green light for the pregnancy.