Legendary Hip Hop DJ Mister Cee resigned from his longtime post at Hot 97 last week, after more allegations that he was involved with transsexual prostitutes. A few days after his resignation, Cee bravely admitted to soliciting sexual acts from transsexual men and promptly returned to his DJ slot on Hot 97.

Cee opened up further in an interview with Hot 97 on Monday, during which he admitted how afraid he was to be truthful about his sexuality.

"The decision I've made this week to open up about my sexuality has definitely been the most difficult thing that I've ever had to do in my life," said Cee. "But I felt like this was the time to do it personally and professionally. For me, I felt worried about how my family would be affected, how my co-workers, my friends, and even my fans would be affected by this decision, because in this Hip Hop community of ours, it's not cool to be gay. It's not cool to be bisexual."

He continued,"I felt that if I was to actually be honest about myself, that nobody would actually want to deal with me anymore. But the more that I kept lying, and the more that I kept trying to deceive you and myself, the more that I was being closed in, and not really being who I really am. I also realized that the more that I kept this secret, and kept lying, and kept trying to be deceitful to the people that I loved, I wasn't really helping myself, or anybody else that could need help out there. But with the grace of family and good friends around me, they made me feel comfortable to exercise my human right for sexual freedom, instead of finding myself being self-detained by discrimination, judgment, criticism, and even violence from my own community."

In addition to coming out as a bisexual man, Cee linked with the AIDS Health Foundation to speak for himself and "a new sexual revolution."

"You don't have to be afraid," said Mister Cee. "But you do have to be careful, and protect yourself."

Source: hiphopdx.com