AP.9 isn't giving up on the brief fame that has come his way thanks to the rumors he's been spreading that he smashed Ice-T's wife Coco. AP.9 has claimed to have video footage of the two engaging in intimate acts, and has also posted up numerous pictures of him grabbing her large cakes in the club. Coco has claimed that the cake fondling was all that occurred between them, but AP.9 is determined to prove otherwise.
Now that Ice and Coco and the rest of the world seem to have moved on from the situation a bit, AP.9 has posted yet another photo of him with Coco in the club, and even went so far as to recruit the help of his young nephew to spread the word. AP.9 posted a picture of his nephew holding a magazine open to a page where the article is about him smashing Coco and reads:
"Yes, I slept with Coco!"
He also told his Instagram followers that he'll be using the photos to sell t-shirts to further promote himself. However, unless he does come forward with an actual video of him and Coco in bed, all of this hype will eventually die down and people will begin to believe he never had the footage.
Source: Bossip.com