Eminem is back on top of the Billboard album chart this week with "The Marshall Mathers LP 2." He's already sold well over a million copies of his new album in only three weeks of release, and
you can expect "The Marshall Mathers LP 2" to remain in the top 10 throughout the holiday season.

Now comes the just-released video for "Rap God," which casts him as a Max Headroom-esque character. For those of you too young to remember, Max Headroom was perhaps the most '80s thing of all time, a marvel of then-cutting-edge video technology who had his own TV show and sold Coke to children in a future dystopian hellscape.

In the "Rap God" video, not only does Slim Headroom rap via the miracle of green screen, but Em also references the video game Portal, re-creates some of those battle scenes from 8 Mile, and is possibly trying to learn kung fu.

Check out the full, explicit version of the video above and let us know what you think below!

Source: YouTube