The Game was the featured guest on the "Arsenio" show Tuesday, December 3rd, and brought his adorable 3-year-old daughter Cali along with him.  He spoke very highly about his love for his daughter, and wasn't afraid to show his affections for her when Arsenio brought her out to join in on the interview. 

"She is everything to me," Game said of his daughter.  "She means more to me than life itself. When I look into her eyes, that's all I need to do to get me going. I'm motivated."

Aside from the precious moment with his daughter, Game also spoke on serious topics such his Robin Hood Project, and how he and Drake donated $22,000 to an Ohio woman in order to pay for her family's funeral, and his recent tension with a Trader Joe's employee, among other things.  Check out the rest of the clips from Game's visit to the Arsenio Hall show above.
