Math Hoffa spoke with VladTV Battle Rap Journalist Michael Hughes about the heavy load of legitimate death threats he and his family were receiving following his fight with Serius Jones at Summer Madness 3. Math explained how a large portion of his time spent away from the spotlight of Battle Rap was used to sort out these issues, as certain people posed serious threats to his family's well-being. He also spoke about moving on from the unfortunate event and the level of fan support he has received amid the dark cloud that was cast over him following the incident.
Math truly believes he is here on this Earth for a greater purpose than the gritty hooligan image that many people hold onto, and he detailed many near-death experiences he's encountered where he came out unscathed, which he believes is a sign that he has a higher power watching over him.
Would you like to see Math Hoffa make his return to Battle Rap in the near future?