If there ever was a story to motivate you to take care of those contact lenses, this is it. A Taiwanese student named Lian Kao went blind after leaving her contacts in for six months, which led to an amoeba burrowing into her cornea.
Wu Jian-liang, director of ophthalmology at Taipei's Wan Fang Hospital, spoke to The Daily Mail about the importance of contact hygiene, telling the news outlet, "Contact lens wearers are a high-risk group that can easily be exposed to eye diseases. A shortage of oxygen can destroy the surface of the epithelial tissue, creating tiny wounds into which the bacteria can easily infect, spreading to the rest of the eye and providing a perfect breeding ground."
He added, "The girl should have thrown the contact lenses away after a month but instead she overused them and has now permanently damaged her corneas."
Source: Jezebel