Controversial pastor James Manning recently sat down with Lord Jamar to discuss his early years and what led to him leaving his job as a marketing rep for Proctor & Gamble to instead pursue a life of crime.
Manning, the chief pastor at Harlem's ATLAH World Missionary Church, began by recalling his childhood growing up in the Jim Crow South of North Carolina, explaining that his family worked as sharecroppers. While Manning says his family was always poor, he doesn't look back on his childhood picking cotton with a former slave father as being a hard life.
"Picking cotton is no fun, it's very difficult to do - the whole family's out there picking cotton - but I just can't describe it as a hard life...I learned hard work," Manning recalled.
Moving on, Manning explained that while driving through Harlem in his company-issued car and seeing all the people nodding out on heroin, he became radicalized and dedicated to helping his people.
Watch the clip to learn about Manning's "Robin Hood" philosophy when it came to who he burglarized, and the price he ended up paying for his criminal ways.