Taye Diggs has a bi-racial son with Broadway star Indina Menzel, and the actor recently told The Grio that he wants his son to be looked at as mixed, not Black. Taye explained that he doesn't want his son's mother, who is of Eastern European descent, to feel disrespected.
"When you [call biracial kids Black], you risk disrespecting that one half of who you are and that's my fear. I don't want my son to be in a situation where he calls himself Black and everyone thinks he has a Black mom and a Black dad, and then they see a white mother, they wonder, 'oh, what's going on?'"
The actor, who has penned the children's books "Chocolate Me" and "Mixed Me," explained his viewpoints further by saying that President Obama is viewed as the first Black president when he's mixed.
"As African-Americans we were so quick to say okay he's Black he's Black, and then there were the white people who were afraid to say he was biracial because who knows. Everybody refers to him as the first black president, I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying that it's interesting. It would be great if it didn't matter and that people could call him mixed. We're still choosing to make that decision, and that's when I think you get into some dangerous waters."
Source: HipHopWired/The Grio|Main Photo Credit: Splash News