The police that patrols the San Francisco 49ers' Levi's Stadium have made threats that they will not work home games after Colin Kaepernick's continued protest of the national anthem. The Santa Clara Police Officers' Association said if the 49ers failed to take action against Kaepernick's pregame protest, officers could respond by "choosing not to work at your facilities," according to a letter written by union members. The 49ers are scheduled to open the season at Levi's Stadium against the Los Angeles Rams on Monday [September 12].

Earlier this week Kaepernick was photographed wearing socks that showed cartoon pigs wearing police hats. Kaepernick explained he'd worn them before, but after receiving national attention for sitting during the national anthem during a pre-season game, his socks are more noticeable.

The socks were also mentioned in the union members letter,"It was learned by the members of the SCPOA that the 49er organization has been allowing Mr. Kaepernick to wear exposed socks with the image of a pig wearing a police hat during practices at the training camp in Santa Clara," the union said in the letter. "Photos of Mr. Kaepernick wearing these socks with the derogatory image have been broadcast nationally."

For now the team is sticking by Kaepernick and released a statement, "In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose to participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem."
