With the release of the movie Logan in theaters this week, one notable craftsman has gone into the collection of superhero gadgets he's cloned to bring parts of the fictional world to life. A few years ago Canadian props artisan, The Hacksmith, created a wearable pair of sharp metal claws in the design of those that protrude Wolverine's knuckles. And while they may not lift up trucks and tear through concrete doors, they are capable of dazzling the eye for their uncanny resemblance to the popular Marvel weapons.

The pair of shiny steel claws are said to have been patterned after those seen in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, measuring 13" and flaunting a nickel plated finish. The Hacksmith took 20 hours to make them while doing an internship at a machine shop; they were hand-ground to shape and welded together after being waterjet cut. Out of everything, it is the sparks that fly out of them that give them the most appeal, and that effect comes by way of approximately 100 amps of power that he was successful in getting by connecting them to a 12-volt car battery; positive on one claw and negative on the other. Wolverine is alive.
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Source: youtube.com