Actress Zoe Saldana is set to play Gamora in the sequel to Marvel's 'Guardians Of The Galaxy.' Now, the Dominican and Puerto Rican actress has stated that she is drawn to Sci-Fi roles because of the boundaries that they push. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the actress said "It makes me feel superhuman because, obviously, it’s been brought to my attention continuously since I was born that I’m not a conventional person because of the colour of my skin or my gender or my cultural background." The actress expanded on her statement more, commenting that she does not see race or gender as an artist. Saldana said "science fiction has given me the ability as an artist to be colour blind, and gender-blind, and to imagine and reinvent myself and be the chameleon actors are supposed to be." In the interview, Saldana also spoke about how the only women in Sci-Fi movies she could identify with were Sarah Connor (The Terminator) and Ellen Ripley (Alien).
Saldana is not one to shy away from making bold statements, previously saying that she believes Hollywood bullies Donald Trump, as well as firing back at critics who accused her of essentially wearing "blackface" to play the role of Nina Simone in the artist's biopic.