Manny Machado has had enough of the Boston Red Sox, from their pitching staff to their front office, stating, “I’ve lost my respect for that organization, for that coaching staff, for everyone over there,’’ during a post-game tirade on Tuesday, May 2. His comments were made in regards to Red Sox ace Chris Sale setting a combative tone early, when he attempted to drill Machado with a low fastball that just missed beaming his leg.

Manny has reason to be upset. Just over a week ago Red Sox pitcher Matt Barnes threw behind Machado's head in retaliation for a hard slide Manny made that wound up injuring Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia. Since that day both teams have gone back and forth, targeting one another's guys in what is brewing to be baseball's most contentious rivalries. Manny says it's all for nothing, defending that he meant no harm with the slide that hurt Pedroia.

“They’re still thinking the slide that I did when I had no intention of hurting anybody,’’ he said. “And I’m still trying to get hit at. Thrown at my f***ing head. Get f***ing thrown at everywhere. This is f***ing bulls**t ... If you’re going to f***ing hit me, go ahead, f***ing hit me. You know, don’t let s**t keep lingering around and f***ing around."

Sale was allowed to remain in the game in spite of the pitch. The umpire would warn both teams, and the rest of the game resumed without incident. In the 7th inning Machado would have the final word with Sale though, when he clocked the league strike out leader for his 6th home run on the season.
