Attorney Jose Baez applauded a Massachusetts judge's ruling to nullify Aaron Hernandez's murder charge, on Tuesday, May 9, telling TMZ that he is "really really happy, not only for Aaron, but for his family."

While there is certainly no consolation for Hernandez to be had in life, the famed lawyer vowed to redeem him in death, pledging that he and the Hernandez family are "determined to change the legacy of Aaron Hernandez." But emotional support aside, Baez also shared an update on some of the logistics he's currently navigating that he hopes will work in Hernandez's fiancee and child's favor, financially.

As the dust began to settle, following the former NFL tight end's controversial and bizarre death, speculation around the circumstances surrounding the apparent suicide evolved from rumor that he went off the edge after a bad K2 trip, to rumor that he killed himself over a deep struggle with his sexual identity, to more recent skepticism from those who believe he may have figured out that in having his murder charge overturned, it would be a chance that the New England Patriots would be forced to fork over $6 million of salary he'd be owed.

"I don't give it any shred of credibility at this point," Baez said of the notion that he killed himself to ensure security for his family. But he did confirm that he is currently in talks with officials around the league to get a sense of what his next move would be, and in order to establish whether there are grounds to pursue the money.

Some have drawn a quote from the letter to fiancee Shayanna Jenkins, that was made public last week, in which he tells her "you're rich," as an indication that recouping the contract money might have been the motive for his alleged suicide.
