Legendary comedian, Bill Maher, is under fire after referring to himself as a "house n****r" on Friday's episode of HBO's, "Real Time With Bill Maher". Maher who often pushes the boundaries of political correctness quickly issued an apology saying, "The word was offensive, and I regret saying it and am very sorry".
Today, Whoopi Goldberg emerged as an unlikely defender of Maher's comment. During a segment on "The View", Goldberg justified Maher's use of the joke saying, "he didn't call anybody (n****r), he called himself". She continued by saying the word, "has way too much power..and had the ability to stop us in our tracks". Goldberg cautioned the audience to consider the source and to use discretion when deciphering the meaning of the word.
Chance The Rapper and Deray McKesson have both called for HBO to cancel "Real Time", after fifteen seasons due to Maher’s use of the n-word. The network released a statement calling Maher's comments, "inexcusable", and he will be allowed to return to the show.
Source: youtube.com