Another FOXNews employee has been fired amid an epidemic of sexual harassment charges the company has, somehow, endured up to this point. Roger Ailes, the founder of FOXNews, was fired after sexual assault allegations surfaced followed by longtime anchor Bill O'Reilly, who was also fired amid his allegations. Fox News anchor Eric Bolling was accused of sexual harassment in a Huffington Post article posted last month leading Fox to suspended Bolling shortly after the allegations surfaced. The allegations came from several anonymous employees at the company who said Bolling sent them unsolicited sexual pictures. It is safe to say that the independent investigation uncovered some dirt on Bolling, presumably leading to his firing today.

Bolling has filed a $50 Million lawsuit against writer Yashar Ali, who brought the assault allegations to light. While litigation is still pending in the lawsuit, Yashar Ali also broke the story revealing that Bolling was no longer employed. Go figure.