In the past, it was reported that Danny Brown had gotten his chipped teeth fixed by Kentucky Fried Chicken. According to a story the rapper told, he got his chipped teeth after being hit by a car in a KFC parking lot as a kid. From there, he sported the look but eventually realized that he wanted to get his teeth fixed after being in the rap world for some time. News surfaced eventually saying that KFC even paid for his new set of teeth. However, the rapper took to Twitter to shoot down the gift, saying “I ain’t got my damn teeth fixed.. Y’all retarded.”
Now, via a Snapchat post, Brown revealed that he did, in fact, get his teeth fixed. The photo features Brown smiling hard, showing off his gold grill while also displaying his new pearly whites. On his post, he put the caption “They say the kid got his chipped tooth fixed - Nas.” When one fan said that he was the man for getting his teeth fixed via Twitter, Brown responded by quoting Ozzy Osbourne and saying “I’m going thru changes.” Take a look above.