Azealia Banks wants a nose job and let the world know her intentions on Twitter.

The rapper took to social media yesterday and hinted at the possibility of plastic surgery. “I think I’m gonna get my nose done. Just a little pinch,” she wrote. Banks has been criticized for bleaching her skin. The outspoken rapper often speaks out on pro-black issues and many fans see her as a sell out for trying to make her appearance more European. She first admitted to the bleaching last summer and defended her decision in a Facebook live video. “I don’t really think it’s important to discuss the cultural significance of skin bleaching anymore,” she said. “Just as black people in this world, you assimilate, and there are things you accept, not just out of necessity but things become norm because they just happen all the time. To say [skin-bleaching] negates anything I’ve said about the current situation of blackness in America is ignorant and stupid. What do body modifications have to do with someone’s level of intellect?” She also compared skin bleaching to other modifications she’s used like hair weaves and said she doesn’t see much of a difference.