Pablo Escobar's brother is playing no games when it comes to their legacy. Roberto De Jesus Escobar Gaviria sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and spoke on Netflix's series, 'Narcos,' that was based on Pablo Escobar's life and their lack of permission to create the project.

“I don’t want Netflix or any other film production company to film any movies in Medellin or Colombia that relate to me or my brother Pablo without authorization from Escobar Inc,” he said. “It is very dangerous. Especially without our blessing. This is my country.”

When asked what security measures Netflix should take while shooting, he stated:

“You have to eliminate all threats. When I was walking in the jungle one day, I had a bag with $2 million in $100 bills. The army was searching for me and Pablo at this time. Suddenly, we are being shot at. Both me and Pablo, along with a few security people, start running towards a small channel of water, we swim away. This was all done without guns. If you have the intellect, you don’t need to use weapons. If not, you have to. In this case, Netflix should provide hitmen to their people as security.”

He went on to say:

“Netflix are scared,” he continued. “They sent us a long letter to threaten us. Right now, we are in discussions with them through our attorneys Browne George Ross LLP to obtain our $1 billion payment. If we don’t receive it, we will close their little show. You see, we own all the trademarks to all of our names and also for the Narcos brand. I don’t play around with these people in Silicon Valley. They have their phones and nice products. But they don’t know life and would never dare to survive in the jungle of Medellin or Colombia. I have done that.”

He added: “Their mothers should have left them in the womb. That is what we tell people like this if they come to Colombia.”

Well then, this has gotten complicated.
