In the last few years, Gucci Mane has changed his image completely, especially after being released from prison, and taken off of house arrest. A part of the journey the rapper went through was living life drug-free. Before going to jail, the rapper was reportedly high on many different drugs all the time, something he admits led to his infamous 2013 Twitter rant. Now, the rapper has spoken out on his long-standing sobriety.

While speaking to NBC, Gucci said “I haven’t done drugs in over four years. I feel like it just gives me clarity. I feel like it makes my music better because it makes me handle business better. I get so much done in a day. At the end of the day, I’m a walking business, a walking corporation. So many people eat off of me, it’s like I take on such a huge responsibility, I don’t have time to be off track right now.” When speaking on his legacy, Gucci said he feels like his legacy is “the story of the underdog.” He explained, saying “Somebody who was thrown so many hurdles and jumped them, but always tried to help somebody out.” Gucci is currently on a press run for his book The Autobiography of Gucci Mane and recently announced that he will be starting his own clothing line.