In late April of this year, Travis Scott performed to a packed house at New York City's Terminal 5. Things became a little wild during the show and multiple concertgoers fell from the balcony of the venue onto the ground-level crowd. One concertgoer, Kyle Green, is suing Travis Scott along with the venue operator, the Bowery Presents, after suffering major injuries during the fall. The young man suffered a fractured vertebra and right ankle, broken left wrist, and paralyzation to his entire left side.

The complaint, alleges that Travis Scott “incited mayhem and chaos through his conduct," whereas others say that bold fans chose to dive off of the venue's balconies. Green is one fan who plummeted from the third level balcony. Video of the incident captures Travis telling security to pick the fan up and expressing his gratitude for Green. He even offered the injured fan his ring. In a statement released after the show, Travis said, "“The safety of everyone is held in the highest regard and we are currently conducting an internal investigation to ensure that this does not happen again,” the statement read. “We are deeply concerned about the guest who was injured and intend to offer him our support.”

Green's suit also names Travis' manager David Stromberg and the security company Strike Force Protective Services.
