Over the past few weeks, singer/actor Tyrese has shared the troubles in his personal life across social media. In multiple videos, Tyrese has revealed the issues surrounding his ongoing child custody battle over his daughter and his current beef with Dwyane “The Rock “Johnson.

Recently, he claimed Will and Jada Smith would be gifting him with $5 million dollars so he can get back on his feet financially. While those claims have been found untrue, Tyrese still has many individuals who are worried about his well-being.

On Thursday, Snoop Dogg took to Instagram with some advice for the R&B singer. Snoop, who was a co-star in Baby Boy starring Tyrese, says he hopes the singer can get some well-needed rest, reassuring him that he is in Tyrese's corner.

"Tyrese we love you cuz. Everything gonna be alright. Get you some rest. Get you some real rest” Snoop said “I remember when I fell out at your house that time and you was right there for me and you made me go get some rest. You made me go get some treatment, to get my mind right, get my body right. So from me to you. Go get you some rest cuz. Get you some sleep. Everything gonna be alright. We love you."

Source: Instagram