The CW will be adding another superhero to their network lineup with the newest addition, Black Lightning. The story follows a high school principal and former superhero, who is called upon to aid his community in combatting rising influence of the "100 Gang." Showrunner and executive producer Salim Akil stated, however, that this show is more than a superhero show:

I'm not really doing a show about a superhero. I'm doing a show about a man who has a family and is trying to affect his community. Someone asked me, what's the most difficult aspect of doing the show, and it really is me coming to terms with that he has powers because I could write a whole script without him ever using his powers, which nobody wants me to do.

Black Lightning is scheduled to premiere January 16, at 9 p.m. EST. Check out the trailer above for the CW's latest superhero series.
