Martin is a classic sitcom that's considered a 90's television favorite. Martin Lawrence starred in one of Fox's most successful shows for five seasons. The show ended on a sour note though, due to sexual assault charges against Lawrence. His co-star, Tisha Campbell-Martin, quit the show after constantly combating unwanted sexual advances by Martin.

She agreed to finish the show's final season, but only if Lawrence was not in the room while she filmed her scenes. The strained faux long distance relationship in the show made the last season of Martin lackluster. Lawrence and Campbell originally worked together in House Party, the coming-of-age classic starring Kid 'n Play.

Fans have been eagerly awaiting a Martin reunion for decades. Tisha has spent all those years adamantly stating that she would never return for a reunion. None the less, the actress stated that " has been an honor to be Gina all these years." She continues on to say, "It's surprising that people still love those characters so much."

Campbell-Martin was reluctant to speak about the reunion any further, and only somewhat obliged after the reporter informed her that Martin's fiancee already announced it. It seems as if she's as excited as fans are to reprise her role, her smile speaks for itself.