Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond, who is also the Chairman of the Black Caucus, has some very strong opinions about President Donald Trump. In a quick interview with TMZ Sports, Congressman Richmond is asked about the 45th president's comments, where he takes credit for the fact that no player knelt in protest during the Superbowl.

"A lot of folks are saying that all the players on both teams stood for the national anthem. Did the president win in this battle?", asks the reporter. "No, the players probably just didn't want to distract from the game, and they wanted to focus on winning," answered Congressman Richmond. He continued on beyond the question to praise Malcolm Jenkins for his off-field efforts to battle economic justice and promote civil rights. After the compliments of Jenkins Congressman Richmond compares the Philadelphia Eagles player to Trump, stating that Jenkins is the real winner in this situation, not the president. He continued on to state,"The truth of the matter is, unfortunately, I never thought I'd say this, but the president is absolutely irrelevant. And he's starting to be irrelevant across the whole world and lower our standards."

Malcolm Jenkins has already stated that he would not be visiting the White House. Meeting the president is a tradition followed by the championship-winning team in all major American sports.