Sway Calloway has one of the dopest hip-hop shows on the air right now. Sway in the Morning has brought the culture classic interviews, amazing freestyles, and historic moments such as Kanye West's "You ain't got the answers Sway," rant. One of Sway's most iconic segments, The Five Fingers of Death, forces rappers to freestyle over five separate instrumentals. Many rappers decline to attempt the challenge, which is difficult for anyone who isn't skilled at freestyling. Rehearsed verses and shallow bars are easily discerned when rappers try to make the best out of the challenge, and only true talent shines at the competitions end.

Recently, rapper Riff Raff visited Sway and tried the Five Fingers of Death challenge. One thing is for certain, Raff freestyles off the top, and doesn't attempt to spit a memorized verse. Bold move. He enters the first instrumental stumbling a bit, but picks up the pace and delivers some entertaining lines as the freestyle continues.

"I get mistaken for Harrison Ford/I'm in the back of the Honda Accord/ I'm playing with a swordfish/ matter fact, I'm a pescatarian, I need a salmon dish," raps Raff. He recently signed a record deal worth $500K with Blackbear's Beartrap Sound imprint.

Source: youtu.be