The deadly shooting that occurred in Parkland, Florida last week resulted in the murder of 17 innocent people. The shooter, Nikolas Cruz, obtained the gun used for the massacre, an AR-15, legally. Cruz was obviously disturbed, and was kicked out of both his school and the home of his caretaker.
Since the shooting, several skeptics have taken to social media in an attempt to discredit survivors of the attack. The conspiracy-influenced social media soldiers falsely accused several survivors of being actors, a fact that has since been disproved. Last night, more survivors were invited to CNN to speak with lawmakers, law-enforcement, and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch in a recorded segment that placed gun control opposers in the hot seat.
Survivor Emma Gonzalez, a brave and well-spoken young woman, asked NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch if she felt that it should be more difficult to obtain assault weapons and modifications that made weapons like the AR-15 fully automatic.
Loesch answers, first stating that the federal government does not require states to enter records of mental illness into the national criminal database. Loesch argues that if a state chooses, a mentally unstable person's medical files can be sealed, omitting them from background checks.
Gonzalez snaps back, reminding Loesch of the original question, which she tried to side-step. Loesch obliges, and states that the NRA does not support modifications like bump stocks. The debate escalated, and even Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel took a stance against Loesch, stating, "You're not standing up for them," in regards to the survivors.