Netflix has released the first trailer for Roxanne Roxanne. The film is an upcoming biopic about the turbulent life of female teen rap phenom Roxanne Shante who hails from Queens, New York and was apart of the Juice Crew in the 80s.
Most notably, Shante released a single "Roxanne's Revenge" at 15 years old in 1984. The song was a response to UTFO's Marley Marl produced "Roxanne Roxanne." Roxanne's diss would become a hit, the first for a female rapper and would push her to be a feared battle rapper of her day.
The biopic will be directed by Michael Larnell and it will highlight the struggles of Shante's early life. The film will star veteran actress Nia Long and Moonlight Oscar winner Mahershala Ali. The film played at Sundance last year and is produced by Forrest Whitaker and Pharrell Williams. The score for the film was curated by none other than Wu-Tang member RZA. Roxanne also had a hand in the telling of her own story as she worked closely with the cast and crew.
Watch the trailer above which features a bit of music and a lot about the street life of NYC during that era. Roxanne Roxanne is coming to Netflix on March 23rd.