Kiyan Anthony got exactly what he wanted for his birthday on Wednesday, March 7. With Carmelo being away from home, the 11-year-old may not have had both of his parents by his side to blow out the candles with him. But thanks to the thoughtful gift his mother La La got made for him, Kiyan got to have plenty of Carmelo around so that his presence was felt on the occasion.
In a post that she shared with followers on Instagram on Wednesday, March 7, La La showed off the collection of Carmelo's jerseys she has gone out and acquired so that she could frame them for Kiyan. With the exception of the 33-year-old baller's Towson Catholic High School mesh, his high school All-American jersey, and the All-Star garb he's worn over the years, the Pisces child was fortunate to receive a piece of every uniform he's put on in his future Pro Basketball Hall of Fame career.
Anthony would take a break from his workout duties ahead of Thursday's game against the Phoenix Suns to let his boy know publicly just how much he loves him, tweeting: "Happy Born Day, 'If I Could Give You One Thing In Life, I Would Give You The Ability To See Yourself Through My Eyes, Only Then Would You Realize How Special You Are To Me'. I Would Always Ride With You!!!"