Twins Amanda and Sara Eldritch struggled with OCD for most of their lives. The 33-year-old women were featured on the television series "The Doctors" for their obsessive-compulsive disorder that was on the most extreme level. In the episode, the Eldritch twins reveal that they would use entire bars of soap, and spend hours upon hours taking showers every day. Their mother stated in the episode that they would spend so long cleaning themselves, that the tub wouldn't drain properly, and water would leak downstairs.

According to Fox News, the twins took part in a procedure called deep brain stimulation that targets the disease by placing electrode wires on the brain. They were the first in the state of Colorado to get the procedure completed.The twins attempted to kill themselves once before and fought depression until the procedure gave them hope for the future, states The Denver Post. Unfortunately, the sisters ended up taking their lives last week.

The twins were found last Friday dead in a car about three hours from their residence. Police believe the twins entered into a suicide pact, and their deaths were either double suicides, or a suicide/homicide. Speaking with the press, the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office stated, “We believe it to be either a suicide pact or a homicide/suicide. It will take ballistic testing to determine.”
