Update: XXXTentacion has dropped his lawsuit against a woman who claims that she was hurt after a video surfaced of him hitting her. The woman came forward on Tuesday (May 15), with a statement that cleared the rapper's name of any wrongdoing.

The statement read, "The video was taken years ago when Jahseh [XXX's real name] and I were both kids and we were just joking around. I was not injured as a result of what happened nor did it negatively affect my personal life."


According to reports, XXXTentacion is filing a lawsuit against the woman he hit in a video that surfaced last month. TMZ reports that XXX is suing the woman for defamation and fraud. The rapper claims that the woman and her grandparents were taking advantage of his current legal issues in an attempt to extort him for $300K. Furthermore, the woman supposedly threatened XXXTentacion with going public by holding a press conference and blasting XXX for being an abuser of women. He has stated in the suit that the woman lied when she claimed to be afraid for her life and that he was only playfully dancing behind her before he "tapped the back of her head."

XXXTentacion is currently awaiting trial for allegedly beating his pregnant ex-girlfriend.

Source: pitchfork.com