Footage of Tekashi and his crew speaking with police after the altercation between the "Gummo" rapper and Casanova took place has surfaced. The skirmish took place at the Barclays Center during the Adrien Broner fight last weekend. Allegedly, Tekashi and his crew were heading to a VIP section, and they crossed paths with Casanova and his people. An argument ensued, which turned into a physical altercation. Tensions escalated when a member of Tekashi's crew allegedly shot once in the air, prompting Casanova's crew to run. The shooter also disappeared. Reports at the time claimed that Tekashi and his squad stayed behind to speak with police, and now it appears those reports are true.
In the newly released video, the first thing that can be seen is Tekashi telling police "he shot in the air." "The other three left, he ran," can also be heard in the background. Tr3way, Tekashi's manager, can be heard dealing with the situation as police tell the crew that they cannot stay to watch the fight anymore. "We're super good, we're super good," states Tr3way. "Let' not even argue this, let's go. Thank you so much, we're good to go," Tr3way states moderating the conversation between Tekashi's crew and the police officers.