According to reports, actor Johnny Depp allegedly attacked a crew member during the shooting of LAbyrinth, a film based on Russell Poole, the lead investigator in the murder of the Notorious B.I.G. Apparently, the altercation occurred due to time constraints the crew ran into during production. The location manager approached Depp to alert him that it was time to wrap when the famed actor got into his face and began yelling. It has been reported that Depp was drinking heavily on set before his encounter with the crew member.

“He was 6 inches away, yelling, ‘Who are you? You have no right!’” sources say. Depp followed up by swinging at the manager before telling him, “I’ll give you $100,000 to punch me right now." But the film's director Brad Furman has claimed that the story is a farce and said of Depp, "He always treats the crew and people around him with the utmost respect. Movies can be stressful, and nonevents often become exaggerated. We all love stories — there isn’t one here."

Who do you think is telling the truth?
