Recently, popular YouTuber, Shane Dawson, created a new series on his channel titled "Investigating Conspiracies," and in one segment he investigates the theory that Chuck E. Cheese recycles pizza to all its faithful customers. Sure enough, Dawson comes away from his investigation firmly believing that the popular family restaurant preserves slices of uneaten pies, and consolidates the pizzas in the kitchen prior to adding more cheese and throwing them back in the oven before reserving. 

Within the segment, he notices that the outline of the crust never seems to add up, while even suggesting that a friend who once worked at the restaurant confirmed that the rumors were true. With that said, the theory is never unequivocally proven, while at one point Dawson wonders if he could possibly be sued for defamation. 

While it doesn't appear any lawsuits have been filed at the moment, a spokesperson for the restaurant has publicly denied the accusation in the video, by saying in a statement: “The claims made in this video about Chuck E. Cheese’s and our pizza are unequivocally false. No conspiracies here — our pizzas are made to order and we prepare our dough fresh in restaurant, which means that they’re not always perfectly uniform in shape, but always delicious.”

All the same, the video released only three days ago already has over 17 million views, while numerous other vlogs and memes have spread throughout the internet maintaining the theory about the recycled pizza. Meanwhile, however, YouTube is apparently considering censoring or banning such content that potentially spreads false information.

Source: Twitter