The superhero show "Black Lightning" has been a critical success for the CW network having already been renewed for a third season, as one of its stars was recently interviewed by TMZ to speak on a crisis ongoing in Africa that's been overlooked by mass media and the general public.

Marvin Jones III, who plays the character of Tobias Whale on the hit show and is also known as Krondon in the LA rap scene, was asked about murders of albinos in Africa that are based on mythology and superstition, where he described the killings as war crimes as he urged the "United States and other great nations to step up" and help protect the victims.

"It's something that's been happening around the world, especially in parts of Africa for a long time," Jones said about the epidemic, "and it's something that certain people know about, but it hasn't gotten the world's attention that I believe it deserves."

He went on further to describe the belief that albinos have "magical powers" as both "heinous and ignorant," noting that "there's nothing in my blood or my bones that makes us more unique to being God's children, no more than the next man."

Source: TMZ