In the latest development in the Nipsey Hussle murder case, Eric Holder's getaway driver and alleged romantic partner is reportedly terrified that she'll be the victim of a retaliation hit, and sure enough, as a key witness the authorities are making sure she's protected.

According to grand jury testimony, an LAPD detective has claimed that the female getaway driver identified as Witness 1 has expressed grave concern for her safety on multiple occasions, and through the investigation it was discovered that numerous legitimate threats had indeed been made against the woman in question.

After the shooting, pictures of her license plate and descriptions of her physical appearance and vehicle reportedly made rounds on the internet, leading the LAPD to state that it was "very important" to place the woman in protective custody and possibly into hiding.

Although she has not been charged in connection with Nipsey's murder, she has told a grand jury that she drove Holder to and from the scene of the crime and that the two were involved in a romantic relationship. Additionally, according to court docs the woman testified under an immunity agreement, which means nothing she said can be used against her in any future prosecution.
